10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Ecommerce Sites

In order to attract more people to buy from your site, it is important to make the buying process easier for them. Otherwise, they will jump to the next online store which is more convenient for them. Download the best plugins to provide a better buyer experience.

Easy Digital Download is one of the best possible options. It is a plugin which is perfect if you are not selling actual products. If these are virtual services, this plugin removes all the other features found in platforms for selling tangible products. The process becomes a lot faster and smoother.

You should also consider using Table Rate Shipping. This plugin immediately shows the buyer the amount that needs to be paid for the actual item bought plus the shipment of the product. The amount is computed based on the location and the method of shipping to be used.

Social Coupon is also perfect if you want to give them a discount when they buy from you. Sharing your site via social media will give them the chance to avail of the discount coupon. It is win-win situation since you also get a free advertising opportunity. Since there are a lot of people in social media today, there is a great chance to reach out to as many people as possible.

Consider these plugins now plus the others listed on the infographic below. They will change the way people buy items from your site. They will be enticed to remain loyal with you.